Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The W W W W Of Making Money

Yes. That’s the title and not a typo. And no, I have not gone bonkers.

I knew that if I wrote "4 Ws" or "Four Ws", you would be ZZZZZing by now. But right now, I’m guessing you just can’t wait for me to get to my point.

Oh yes. There is a point to all these. Be patient.

All those W W W W's are the secret keys to making huge money.

Let me go into that one by one.

1. Words.

What are the words you can use to hook your readers’ attention? Definitely not HI or HELLO.

There are secret words that have a massive appeal to making people read what you have to say. Using these words, you are converting your readers to potential customers. Potential customers are money in the bank. They are holding your cash for you. And you have the key to getting your hands on that cash just by using words.

2. Wants.

What do people want? Being the marketer that you are, your purpose is to provide for these wants.

You need to know what people are passionate about. It is all about being at the right place and the right time with the perfect solution for what it is that people want.

3. Wealth Grenades.

You've already got these. You just don't know how to use them, YET!

This is all about "the L word"..

Leverage. That’s the word. Making the most of what you’ve got. It’s a war out there in the marketing field. You have the weapon in your arsenal to fight this war. You’re just not aware its there. Once you find it, you'll be ready to attack.

4. Winning star strategy.

This is about standing out in the crowd. Being the star of the market.

When you’re the star, people will want to read about you, imitate what you do and listen to everything you say.

Think about it - people listen and are engrossed by stars. They will be engrossed by you.

I could go on and on. But I’m letting you off with a bonus. And that is to see and hear for yourself what I’m talking about:


See I told you there’s a point to all the W's! ;-)

The Million Dollar Link


That’s a link. Not just any link. It’s the link to millions in cash.

Got your attention now, haven't I?

People have clicked on that link and are now proud owners of brand new lives. Have I also mentioned they’re growing their income super-fast too? They are.

Because they were taught the insider secret tactics of making massive cash fast by millionaire Michael Cheney.

How did he get to be a millionaire?

It’s because he has found some secrets. Secrets that have been withheld for years and not written about, blogged about or shared on forums.

Humor me and try searching Michael Cheney’s secrets on your browser. You will get NO results. These secrets are well-guarded..

So why the link and the video?

Because the secrets are there! Brought to you by the man who discovered the secrets, applied them and went on to huge success.

The secrets are being shared to you not only because Michael Cheney is tired of being the only millionaire. It is also not because he needs to earn some income out of you. He’s already rich, remember?

It’s because he wants you to be like him. The new wealth will be yours alone. He is just pointing you in the right direction. Like a guardian angel of the internet marketing world.

The question is - If you had a guardian angel leading the way to a blissful path of riches, why wouldn't you follow him?

The answer is quite obvious isn’t it? Just follow. Let him lead and you can just follow..

This guy will lead you to the REAL secrets of making money online..


...will you click or will you not?

Storm Warning!

The storm is coming!

This is the kind of storm where instead of rain, you get cash. And instead of you being blown away by strong winds, you will be blown away by how fast the profits come in:


That is the kind of storm I’m talking about.

If you’re not watching that video now, expect:

1. Migraines. Because your marketing efforts not bringing in the cash flow.

2. Sleepless nights. Because your strategies are falling apart.

3. Down In The Dumps. Because your brain feels frozen. You don’t know what you’re doing wrong.

Would you rather have those three symptoms or do you want to start learning how to do your marketing the correct way and speed up the cash outpour?

Money. Money. Money.

Again, let me say that.

Money. Money. Money.

This is what should be on your mind.

After you start believing that you will have money, maybe you can now settle down and learn how it is done:


Stick to your purpose.

One word. Money.

Three words. Lots of money.


Spot The Difference

The bog-standard internet marketer is facing these PROBLEMS:

1. What to sell?

2. How to sell it?

3. How to sell more of it?

4. Frustration. When the strategies are not working.


The Delta Squadron marketer has:

1. The answers on what to sell

2. The answers on how to sell it

3. The answers on how sell more of it

4. No frustration because they are being shown everything they need to do

Have your spotted the difference?

From this:


..you can be the marketer with the money and without all the problems.

Go on..Click the link. Watch. Absorb the knowledge. Apply what you learn.

Many have and look what where they are now.

Probably on vacation on the other side of the world. Or out driving the brand new car. Or just finished arranging the new furniture in the new house.

Now it's YOUR turn:

What To Spend Your Money On Now You're a Millionaire

Have you ever wondered how millionaires spend their money?

Here’s a sample:

1. Look for a house.
2. Buy a car.
3. Buy some fancy clothes.
4. Look for more houses.
5. Donate to charity.
6. 2 more cars.
7. Travel the world.

Of course, that is just a sample. But if you’re reading this, you are either of these two:

1. Not yet a millionaire.
2. On your way to becoming a millionaire.

It’s normal to dream about getting millions in cash. Do a survey and you will find out that EVERYBODY has at one time had the dream of becoming a millionaire. It’s a way life. People dream about it. People want money.

Not all are fortunate, though. There are those that work their brains out trying to get to that 7-figure status. Sadly, others have died taking their dreams of being a millionaire to their grave.

Too sad..

What should you do?

You should listen to the expert. Learn from the expert. Do it like the expert.

I've found an expert who wants you to know the secrets HE used to make millions:


Too overwhelmed by what he has achieved? Don’t be. You will get there in no time. Seriously. Just follow his simple steps and take action.

Before you know it, you will have your own list of things to buy, places to go and plans of a better future. Some days from now, you can look back on this moment as the moment when everything changed..

And all because you dreamt, you listened, you learned and you made it happen.


Lamborghinis, Millions and Day Dreams..

"I want to make millions someday.."

Fast forward to now. That someday is NOW. Have you got your millions? Probably not. But don’t succumb to misery and accept defeat. Not just yet.

All you have to do is watch a video. A money-making video:


Right now. No obligations. No charge. Just watch..

Are you watching it now?

Your jaw has probably dropped down on the floor. Or you’re just staring wide-eyed at that sexy Lamborghini (it’s real!).

Ok, now that you had your fill of all those beautiful things, stop dreaming and start listening.

You are now on the verge of being the person on that video. Not getting it still?

You are a few steps away to millions (and a really cool Lamborghini)! Still not understanding?

The video is the bridge that will take you to cash, cash and more cash. Three words: watch, listen and learn. All the secrets to millions are in front of you now. The perk is that it’s not gonna happen a few years or centuries from today.

It is happening right here and right now:

What took other people years to get, you will earn in DAYS. 7 days to be precise. That’s just like working a full 7-days, 8 hours work and realizing that when weekend comes, you will be out shopping for a car, a house or even buying a ticket for that vacation you always wanted.

If you’re now engrossed on watching the video, then the reality of all this must have sunk in already. Reality. Today. Not someday.

Aren’t you glad you watched the video?


Dangerous Black Holes Closing in For the Kill


That was the sound I made when I fell into the deep and dark black hole of internet marketing.

Somehow, I have managed to get out of that hole. Believe me, it wasn’t easy. It took a lot of climbing to get back on solid ground.

This is very common in internet marketing. Thousands of marketers are being swallowed up by these killer Black Holes every single day.

Some manage to get right back up. But some are completely sucked and can't get out. You don’t want this to happen to you. No one deserves this!

The trouble with internet marketing is that you never know what's around the next corner, where the dead-ends are and how to avoid those killer Black Holes.

Until now..

Thanks to one millionaire marketer, you are now being given the chance to see into the future and spot the dangers in advance:

Start with this: http://deltasquadron.com-url.us

You're going to discover how to make massive cash FAST. And you'll be given the secret weapons to explode your income.

So you’ve been shown videos of how people have somehow made it to the millionaire league. Aren’t you tired of watching them? Wouldn’t you rather be the one ON those videos?

Of course you would! And if you start following this guy, maybe you can..

So stop falling into those deadly Black Holes, start getting the real secrets of what works online and start making massive cash fast.

It's totally possible but you have to take action. You have to start now. You have to start here:


3-Minute Quickie

What do Bill Gates and Donald Trump have in common?

Millions in cash. Obviously

What do YOU have in common with these two?


Not yet.

But if you follow the advice I'm about to give you, maybe you will have and a LOT sooner than you think.

Start by giving me 3 minutes of your precious and busy time to watch this:


The advantage you will have over Gates and Trump is that you don't have to create genius software or build a business empire.

All you really need is this:


Maybe you are rolling your eyes now. Muttering under your breath. Wondering what the catch is..

This is a typical reaction. You’re not the only one who did this. But let me ask you this..

Have you ever heard a millionaire reveal their inner-most secret tactics on how to create massive cash fast?

Because that's what you're getting here and it's going to blow you away:


This is not a joke.

No one is laughing because they are busy getting to be millionaires.

If you’re still reading this, you’re still cynical. Turn that cynicism into a more productive attitude.

Give 3 minutes of your time to just sit comfortably and watch how being a millionaire is so so very easy.

3 minutes.